Thursday, August 27, 2020

Catalina Concert Report free essay sample

I went to Catalina Bar Grill which situated at Sunset Blvd, Hollywood to see a Jazz show, including Kevin O’Neal and Patrice Quinn, alongside Oscar Hernandez, Sid Jacobs and Aaron Serfaty on Thursday, Mar 06, 2014. My flat mate and me were lost and once and made some enthusiastically memories attempting to find Catalina however luckily we made it on time at any rate. As indicated by our teacher the club is a decent spot and undoubtedly I need to concede that after I taste the food there. We completed our delectable supper and trust that the show will start. The presentation began at around nine o’clock. On that night teacher O’Neal was doing a ton of occupations including a low pitch guitar player, vocalist, and the author of this show. He got rounds of commendation when he remained on the stage. There was twelve bits of tune in this splendid presentation. We will compose a custom article test on Catalina Concert Report or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The primary tune was â€Å"Black Butterfly,† and obviously the author is educator Kevin O’Neal who additionally began with a bass performance, and later on, piano and drum with a quick beat changed the moderate bass beat, and afterward all the three instrument consolidated. I think this bit of music was indicating the lovely dark butterfly’s excursion of life. It made me wonder the flavor of nature and the opportunity in the sky. The accompanying pieces are â€Å"The way you look tonight,† which formed by Jerome Kers and Lyric by Dorothy Fields, â€Å"They Can’t Take That Away From Me† by GershwinGershwin, and â€Å"Now Or Never† with the author Holiday, C. R. Lewis. These three melody’s beat was no genuine distinction with the main tune, yet those three tunes were in a comparable topic, which was about the wonderful miserable/sentimental love. The vocalist Patrice Quinn’s singing was truly getting to my ear that was truly unwind and one of a kind. Her voice completely filled this wonderful spot until the tune finished. The rests of the melodies, â€Å"Pannonica†, â€Å"Ceora†, â€Å"There For You†, â€Å"Ball Chain†, â€Å"California Soul†, â€Å"Save A Thought For Me† and the last piece â€Å"Expectation† are completely made by teacher O’Neal. â€Å"There For You† was in a moderate beat that was about the joy love. â€Å"Ball Chain† was indicating the dark bondage that works for the landowner with nothing. I think this present tune's motivation to advance the possibility of equity. â€Å"California Soul† was my main tune since we are here in California. The awesome thing about this melody is that it really caused me to feel the breeze from the sea shore and the smell of the daylight. â€Å"Save A Thought For Me† was beginning with the piano that simply help me to remember the nature and a lovely rainbow directly after the tempest. The last bit of music was â€Å"Expectation. † It started with a short bass performance then artist Patrice Quinn joined her moderate singing with educator O'Neal's singing. After piano, drum and bass in a quicker beat. Both of the artists singing together and reach to the consummation of this exhibition. Taking everything into account, teacher O'Neal's exhibition was truly intriguing on the grounds that it is really the main music show understanding for me. Furthermore it is additionally important in light of the fact that it made me begin to become more acquainted with progressively about the jazz musician’s life. Also, I have genuinely encountered the intensity of music that can taint every single various individuals paying little mind to their nationality, since us all worldwide understudy delighted in the presentation clearly.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Music Case Study Using Ardorno free essay sample

Sleepyhead, while never calm creation it to the Billboard top 1 00 despite everything arrived at significant standard achievement, making it a pop melody by Adorns norms. The tune was discharged in 2008 and topped at 1 05 on the pop diagrams yet the electric tune was connected plugs globally. The melody was utilized to publicize the Palm Pix cellophane and later a tape, Little Big Planet. The tune was then included on a well known TV arrangement Skins. The tune keeps on being utilized and remixed today, and is a steady in stores and on Indies radio stations.The tunes title, Sleepyhead, extreme whimsical language. The utilization of the expression is both outwardly engaging and satisfying to the ear, it acts to right away quiet the audience by radiating an amicable very non-aggressive inclination. This is on the grounds that the expression in itself seems like something a youngster would state since it is something a kid wood state. The melody at that point starts with an over blended piercing voice that demonstrations to additionally loosen up the audience. We will compose a custom exposition test on Music Case Study Using Ardorno or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The voice has been mutilated to the point that the words can't completely be seen; yet the singing is strangely soothing.It goes about as the stimulatory impact Adorn talked about. The high, pitched voice while delicate is matched with a tune that is continually changing, practically provoking the audience to keep up. The music demonstrations to animate while the verses start to quiet. This quieting impact brought about by the title and vocals can best be identified with Adorns hypothesis on infant talk. The two consolidated radiate the l need to be upbeat inclination that kids request. The fundamental vocals of the tune start around forty seconds into the tune. The subsequent artist has the clingy sweet voice of the first vocals yet at a lower pitch.The change in vocals is joined by a redundant beat making the Eng progressively characteristic. The vocals are kept around a similar note all through the rest of the tune and are consistently fit with a similar music, and in this sense the structure is like that of innumerable different tunes. Anyway the breaks in vocals permit the music to change somewhat, these are the subtleties that are depicted in the exposition. It is these subtleties that are the more stimulatory part of the tune. The music is the equivalent all through the tune however during the breaks it is based upon with more combined sounds that include dynamism.The new sounds connect with the audience and manifest more grounded responses to the part. Peg. AY For the situation of Sleepyhead, the music that goes with the vocals is snappy, and electric. These sounds are the, over-sweet solid hues, working like melodic treats and confections (Peg. 30) Adorn depicted. The tune resembles endorphins discharged into the audience members cerebrum, it makes elation and leaves them needing for additional. The tune is just playful and simple to process. It goes about as a discharge from the anxieties and makes the audience need to move. The verses themselves contain next to zero substance.While on occasion the verses appear to be lovely the melody they are only about the craftsman engaging in sexual relations with his relined. The track comprises of two versus with no theme, depending exclusively on the reiteration of the verses, And everything is setting off to the beat toward the beginning of the melody, and the expression sleepyhead all through it; together the two go about as an improvised chorale. This odd organization is the main territory wherein the melody keeps up any similarity to uniqueness. The standard melody comprises of a thirty-two bar tune, which this tune needs. The adjustment in game plan endeavors to stand out, much like the rosy neon lights Adorn described.However this deviation is only a charm intended to Overcome [the] dull reality, yet in this exertion it turns out to be more unexceptional than reality itself (Peg. 29). The melody comes up short on the profundity to make any compelling enthusiastic reaction. While the rhythm, tune, and music radiate satisfaction the verses end up being shallow. The beats anyway are to some degree complex permitting the audience to be somewhat connected with and diverted with no genuine exertion. The tune is musically submissive in the sense it was intended to appear as something else and in its exertion was the equivalent. Sleepyhead was simple delegated Indies alternative.By definition Indies is something else, the craftsman are on diviner known marks, the music is made exclusively dependent on the craftsman carefulness versus name imperatives. Sleepyhead was a prime case of Indies since it used synthesizers, and different consoles, excusing the basic drums and guitar for their electronic partners. Energy Pit utilized their particular sound to make an irresistible beat. With that beat that went about as the heart beat of the tune the craftsman had thousands tapping their toes along to it. All through the tune this beat was based upon however never lost.

Friday, August 21, 2020

6 Mobile-Based Cricket Games You Must Try

6 Mobile-Based Cricket Games You Must Try Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!6 Mobile-Based Cricket Games You Must TryUpdated On 24/01/2020Author : Ram kumarTopic : GamingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogWhen talking about India, there are a lot of things that might come up. Sure, India has the second-largest population in the world. Or maybe you’ll talk about how India produces more than two-thirds of the world’s spices. Perhaps even delve into the diversified and well-preserved culture in various Indian regions.One topic that will almost get everybody excited is the love of cricket. Unless you live under a rock, you know cricket is likea religion of its own in India. Sure, Indians may disagree on other things, but cricket has proved to be one of the most effective unifying factors. If you have seen Indians at any cricket game, you know the admiration they have for the game and the players.You’ve likely had aspirations of becoming a world-renowned cricket player. While it’s not a path everyone can follow, there’s still what you can do to feel like part of the experience.Mobile games have become more popular, and playing them has proven to have positive effects. Some of thepositive effects of playing mobile gamesinclude improving your mental health and brain performance, improving your moods, and helping build social communities.Let’s have a look at some of the best cricket games you can download on your phone and enjoy the game like a pro.1. World Cricket Championship 2This is one of those games that took the platform by storm when it was launched. The game boasts some of the best graphics you’ll find in a phone game.Moreover, it has been praised for how realistic it is. Most players say playing the game feels like being in an actual game. The game offers three formats, Test, ODI, and T20 with the favorite national team2. Big Bash CricketAustralia is one of the other count ries that enjoy the beauty and majesty of the cricket game. The Big Bash Cricket mobile game is based on the country’s KFC Big Bash League. Besides offering a unique experience for you, the game also provides a turnkey of functionalities. These include a 360-degree view of the playing ground as well as the ability to select a team from the eight available.If you are a fan of the KFC Big Bash League or you want to try a new experience, you should give this game a go.3. HitCricketMost mobile games are disliked for having an inauthentic experience. HitCricket is one of those outlier games in the market today. The game offers a platform where you create your team from scratch, buy players, participate in tournaments, and compete with players from all over the world.READTop Reasons why Google Stadia may mark a revolution in the gaming worldThis game puts the control in your hands, making the experience more real and authentic.4. Real Cricket 17Above, you saw a game where you can play w ith anyone from any corner of the world. This is functionality that has helped grow the popularity of mobile games. While you can still play with other players online, this game took it a step further.With Real Cricket 17, you can have your friends join in as the game has a multi-player functionality. You can also decide whether you want to play a tournament or merely a quick match.Additionally, the game has excellent graphics that help create a surreal experience for the player. These functionalities help land the game of the list.5. ICC Pro CricketWith well over five million downloads, ICC Pro Cricket is one of the most popular games today. One of the factors that have helped the game gain a considerable following is its exceptional graphics and attention to detail. Additionally, it was amongst the first mobile games to offer real simulation and card management.With your smartphone, you can easily navigate any website or digital platform from a remote area. This unlimited access i s not only great when playing games, but it also provides opportunities where you can win big. An example is being able to playblackjackfrom the comfort of your phone.6. Cricket T20 Fever 3DAs the name suggests, you can experience a 3D effect when playing this game. Besides the state of the art graphics, you will also get to enjoy playing in various formats in the game. These include the T20, ODI, and tournament formats. The Cricket T20 Fever 3D is another game that has been able to create a reputation for itself both within India as well as other cricket-loving regions.Ultimately, playing a cricket game may not be the same as playing the game, but it is one of the closest ways you can connect with the game and players. Playing these games also helps you create a bond and appreciation for cricket.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How to Apply to Grad School

Most applicants become anxious when they realize that graduate school applications are very different from college applications. What do you need to know when applying to graduate school? First, the process of getting into graduate school can be confusing and downright overwhelming. Yet nearly all grad school applications are consistent in requirements. These include the following: TranscriptsGRE or other standardized test scoresLetters of recommendationAdmissions essay(s), also known as a personal statement Ensure that your grad school application contains all of these components because incomplete applications translate into automatic rejections. Transcripts Your transcript provides information about your academic background. Your grades and overall GPA, as well as what courses youve taken, tell the admissions committee a great deal about who you are as a student. If your transcript is filled with easy As, such as those earned in classes like Basket Weaving 101, youll likely rank lower than a student who has a lower GPA comprised of courses in the hard sciences. You wont include your transcript in the application that you send to the graduate program. Instead, the registrars office at your school sends it. This means that youll have to visit the registrars office to request your transcript by completing forms for each graduate program to which youd like to forward a transcript. Begin this process early because schools require time to process your forms and send the transcripts (sometimes as much as two to three weeks). You dont want your application to be rejected because your transcript was late or never arrived. Be sure to check that your transcript has arrived at each of the programs to which youve applied. Graduate Record Exams (GREs) or Other Standardized Test Scores Most graduate programs require standardized exams  such as the GREs  for admission.   Law, medical  and business schools usually require different exams (the LSAT, MCAT  and GMAT, respectively). Each of these exams is standardized, meaning that they are normed, permitting students from different colleges to be compared meaningfully. The GRE is similar in structure to the SATs but taps your potential for graduate-level work. Some programs also require the GRE Subject Test, a standardized test that covers the material in a discipline (e.g., Psychology). Most graduate admissions committees are inundated with applications, so apply cut-off scores to the GRE, considering only applications that have scores above the cut-off point. Some, but not all, schools reveal their average GRE scores in their admissions material and in graduate school admissions books. Take standardized tests early (typically, the spring or summer before you apply) to guide your selection of programs  and to ensure that your scores arrive at the schools you want to get in early. Letters of Recommendation The GRE and GPA components of your grad school application portray you in numbers. The letter of recommendation is what permits the committee to begin thinking of you as a person. The efficacy of your letters rests on the quality of your relationships with professors.   Take care and choose appropriate references. Remember that a good recommendation letter helps your application tremendously but a bad or even neutral letter will send your graduate application into the rejection pile. Do not ask for a letter from a professor who knows nothing more about you than the fact that you got an A -- such letters do not enhance your application, but detract from it. Be courteous and respectful in asking for letters and provide enough information to help the professor write a valuable letter. Letters from employers can also be included if they include information on your duties and aptitude relating to your field of study (or your motivation and quality of work, overall). Skip getting letters from friends, spiritual leaders and public officials.   Admissions Essay The admissions essay is your opportunity to speak up for yourself. Carefully structure your essay. Be creative and informative as you introduce yourself and explain why you want to attend graduate school and why each program is a perfect match to your skills. Before you begin writing, consider your qualities. Think about who will be reading your statement and what they are looking for in an essay. Not only are they committee members; they are scholars who are searching for the kind of motivation that implies a dedicated and intrinsic interest in the matters dealt with in their field of study. And they are looking for someone who will be productive and interested in their work. Explain your relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments into your essay. Focus on how your educational and occupational experiences such as research led you to this program. Dont rely only on emotional motivation (such as I want to help people or I want to learn). Describe how this program will benefit you (and how your skills can benefit the faculty within it), where you see yourself in the program and how it fits into your future goals. Be specific: What do you offer?   Interview Although not part of the application, some programs use interviews to get a look at finalists. Sometimes what looks like a great match on paper isnt in person. If youre asked to interview for a graduate program, remember that this is your opportunity to determine how well a fit the program is for you. In other words, youre interviewing them, as much as they are interviewing you.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Unit 6 vocabulary - 1633 Words

Name __________________________________ A Lesson Before Dying Study Guide Chapter 1 1. Why is Jefferson on trial? What is the sentence? 2. Contrast the portrait that is painted of Jefferson. How does the prosecution present him? How does the defense present him? Chapter 2 1. Who is the narrator? What is his occupation? 2. What do Tante Lou and Miss Emma want Grant to do? 3. Why do they need permission from the Sheriff for what they want Grant to do? Chapter 3 1. What is symbolic about going through the back door? 2. What is the agreement arrived at by the end of the chapter? What can you infer from Pichot’s comments? Chapter 4 1. Name some of the ways the town of Bayonne is divided†¦show more content†¦So far in the story, we have met three teachers. Now we are told that there is another supporting character who also wants to be a teacher. Who is it, and are you surprised? Explain. Chapter 22 1. This chapter contains the first real conversation that Grant and Jefferson have. What does Jefferson get excited about? 2. Grant gets a brilliant idea during their conversation. What is it? Chapter 23 1. Things do not go well during the next visit from Miss Emma, Aunt Lou, and the Reverend Ambrose. Why are they upset with Grant? 2. Grant is beginning to get excited about working with Jefferson. What happens to give him some inkling that he is beginning to reach Jefferson? Chapter 24 1. Briefly describe what happens during the next visit that involves Jefferson, Miss Emma, Reverend Ambrose, Tante Lou, and Grant. Chapter 25 1. What is Grant feeling so good about in the beginning of this chapter? What spoils his mood at the bar? Chapter 26 1. What has Vivian so upset in this chapter? How does Grant take Vivian’s concern? Chapter 27 1. Most of this chapter deals with a discussion between Reverend Ambrose and Grant. What are some of the subjects they discuss? 2. Why is it that Ambrose thinks he is the educated one of the two of them? Chapter 28 1. What evidence is there that Jefferson worked very hard writing in his notebook? 2. Why does Grant tell the boy, â€Å"You’re more a man than I am, Jefferson† (225)?Show MoreRelatedTypes of Sports Fans624 Words   |  3 PagesLevel 4 / Units 2; 6; 10; 11; 12 (World English 3) | Unit / Lesson | World English 3 / Materials | Week - Date complete | SubjectWhat do you want to achieve? | Student commentsHow did you find the exercise? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Supply and Demand Simulation - 1060 Words

Supply and Demand Simulation ï ¿ ½ PAGE * MERGEFORMAT ï ¿ ½1ï ¿ ½ Supply and Demand Simulation University of Phoenix ECO/365: Principles of Microeconomics October 26, 2009 ï ¿ ½ Supply and Demand Simulation IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX SIMULATION (2003), APPLYING SUPPLY AND DEMAND CONCEPTS, A SITUATION IS PRESENTED CONCERNING THE SUPPLY AND DEMAND OF TWO-BEDROOM RENTAL APARTMENTS IN ATLANTIS. THROUGHOUT THE SIMULATION SCENARIOS ARE PRESENTED AND CHOICES MUST BE MADE REGARDING FACTORS THAT AFFECT DEMAND AND SUPPLY, AND THEREFORE, EQUILIBRIUM (UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX, 2003, PARA. 5). CAUSE OF CHANGES The changes in supply and demand in the simulation are caused by different factors throughout the simulation. The causes included changes in vacancy†¦show more content†¦Summary of Results _Scenario One_ In the first scenario the monthly rental rate needed to be determined to reduce the vacancy rate to about 15%, while maximizing profits. The change in the demand was due to the rental rate; lowering the rental rate to $950 increased the quantity demanded to 1900 with a surplus of 100, and maximized profits to $1.81 million. _Scenario Two_ In the second scenario, the goal was to reduce the vacancy rate to zero percent. The possibility of leasing out all 2,500 apartments at the current rate of $1,100 meant that the business would not be profitable due to the increase in maintenance costs. Increasing the rental rate to $1,550 covered the maintenance costs and increased the number of apartments GoodLife was willing to supply. _Scenario Three_ In the third scenario, the Atlantis Housing Survey provided statistics regarding the demand for two-bedroom rental apartments in Atlantis. The survey found an imbalance in the quantity demanded and quantity supplied at the current rental rate of $1,550. Lowering the rental rate to $1,050 removed the imbalance and created equilibrium in the market. _Scenario Four_ In the fourth scenario, Lintech Inc. relocated to Atlantis and increased the population in the city. The demand for apartments increased, while the supply of apartments did not change causing a shift in demand to the right causing a shortage. Increasing the rentalShow MoreRelatedSupply and Demand Simulation1030 Words   |  5 PagesSupply and Demand Simulation ECO/365 Supply and Demand Simulation In the supply and demand simulation a neighborhood called Atlantis is given for the setting. Atlantis is a small city with open spaces, low population, and a low crime rate. There are plenty of sidewalks and street systems for easy access to the highway. The housing in Atlantis is detached homes and apartments. The supply and demand simulation consists of microeconomics and macroeconomics. The simulation presents shifts in theRead MoreSupply and Demand Simulation1203 Words   |  5 PagesSupply and Demand Simulation Summary University of Phoenix ECO360, Economics for Business I The Supply/Demand simulation involves acting as property manager for GoodLife Management in the fictional town of Atlantis. GoodLife Management manages seven apartment complexes in Atlantis. The property manager is expected to adjust the monthly rental rate of two-bed rental apartments and the quantity of apartments supplied based on the market trends. Factors that influence the supply and demandRead MoreSupply and Demand Simulation983 Words   |  4 Pages   ECO365 Supply and Demand Simulation Student Name ECO/365 – Principles of Microeconomics Instructor Name Date Introduction Supply and Demand is a phrase that every one hears in one way or another, Supply and demand phrase according to Colander, (2010) is the most used phrase by economist and the reason is because the phrase provides a good â€Å"off-the-cuff† answer for many question that have to do with economy. Example why are interest rates to Low? Because supply and demand. Why is GasolineRead MoreSupply and Demand Simulation939 Words   |  4 Pages1. The simulation illustrates a number of different economic concepts. The relationship between supply, demand and price is highlighted. The simulation shows what happens under normal conditions when the price of a good changes. For example, when the price increased the supply of the good increased but the demand fell. As a result, the market was no longer in a state of equilibrium (Riley, 2012). Thus, the concept of supply-demand equilibrium was identified. This is a microeconomic concept, followingRead MoreSupply and Demand Simulation819 Words à ‚  |  4 PagesSupply and Demand Simulation A simulation was conducted to understand supply and demand when renting out apartment homes. This paper will briefly explain two microeconomics and two macroeconomics principles, it will include one shift of the supply curve and demand curve in the simulation. For each of the shifts the affect of the equilibrium price, quantity, and decision making will be analyzed. A description of supply and demand from the simulation and how to apply it in the workplace is includedRead MoreAnalyzing Supply of Demand Simulation1042 Words   |  5 PagesAnalyzing Supply of Demand Simulation ECO/365 January 31, 2010 Analyzing Supply of Demand Simulation Supply and demand is a significant element of business procedures thus this paper will evaluate how supply and demand affects a business via a simulation provided by the University of Phoenix. In this paper, I will talk about the reasons for changes that occur in supply and demand. I will talk about how shifts in supply and demand influence the organization’s decision making processRead MoreEssay Supply And Demand Simulation1318 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The Supply and Demand simulation involves acting as Property Manager for GoodLife Management, a property management firm that manages apartment complexes in Atlantis. This simulation was an exercise in applying the supply and demand concepts based on current market trends. The property manager is required to adjust the monthly rental rate of two-bedroom rental apartments and number of apartments available. Supply and demand within the simulation were manipulated by the rates chargedRead MoreSupply And Demand Simulation Analysis1189 Words   |  5 PagesSupply and Demand Simulation The economy is a practice that relies on principles and concepts. The different focuses are based on a Macro and Micro perspective that creates the commercial and consumer environment. It is important to understand how these principles and concepts relate to the environment to create strategies that will, in return create profit and confident investments. The supply and demand simulation highlighted the important of just that from a commercial setting. Today’s housingRead MoreSupply and Demand Simulation Paper886 Words   |  4 PagesSupply and Demand Simulation Paper ECO/365 Week 2 Individual Assignment February 25, 2013 Supply and Demand The analysis will identify two microeconomics and two macroeconomics principles or concepts from the simulation, and explain why each principle or concept is in the category of macroeconomics or microeconomics. The analysis will identify at least one shift of the supply curve, and one shift of the demand curve from the simulation and what causes the shifts. The analysis will showRead MoreSupply and Demand Simulation Essay1024 Words   |  5 PagesSupply and Demand Simulation Supply and demand plays an intricate role in the amount, price, and availability of products and services. The applying supply and demand concepts simulation guides users through making decisions for Goodlife, a management company for 2 bedroom apartments in Atlantis. The simulation names the user the property manager; responsible for vacation residents, new pricing for units, and advertising. The property manager makes decisions in circumstances including the changing

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Making it in America free essay sample

In the article Making it in America Adam Davidson takes time to interview different employees at Standard Motor Products to determine how it is treating them and how factories are changing in time. Adam is receiving a tour of the plant by manager Tony Scalzitti where he sees many factory workers in blue lab coats, hair nets, and protective eyewear. This is where Adam first runs into Madelyn Parlier. Madelyn Parlier was a 22-year-old woman working in the assembly line at the factory. Her occupation was seemed to be an unskilled job and didn’t require much education or experience. It was all about quickness and effectiveness for Madelyn and that was something she was great at. Madelyn grew up in Greenville, SC and was attending high school and planning on going to college when she got pregnant her senior year. Because of this she couldn’t go to college so like most people there she got a job working at the local Standard factory. We will write a custom essay sample on Making it in America or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Madelyn’s job was to run the laser-wielding machine. aAll she did was place the parts in the machine and press a button for them to be wielded and if correct a green light appears and she passes the part to the next line in process. With this being such an unskilled job there is always that chance of Madelyn being replaced by a robotic arm or machinery that can do this job for her and in turn create less wages for the company to pay for. Over the last 30 years employment of people in factories have gone down 1/3 because of machinery and computers taking their places in line. They are more productive and less cost effective than a worker. Then Adam meets up with a new skilled employee Luke Hutchins who operates the machinery on the weekends. Luke’s job is considered a skilled job because he had to attend 6 semesters of college to learn the computers language to be able to work the machinery. Luke operates a few machines at a time constantly checking the fuel injectors to make sure the machines are cutting the parts just perfect. His job is secure and can’t be replaced by a computer for the time being. Adam tracks down the owners of Standard and finds out they are based out of Long Island City, Queens. There Adam discovers the history of the company and how a man named Elias Fife a Jewish immigrant first set up the company. Through time other similar competitors had to sell or close and Standard stuck out through the times and had to sell its main building in NY to other locations to cut on costs. The company almost went bankrupt in the 1990s but managed to stay afloat and is now one of the biggest aftermarket manufacturing companies in the world. Adam sits in a meeting with two engineers from the company John Gasiewski and Marty Doelger. They where going over a new crankshaft sensor and figuring out if it would be a benefit for the company to start to produce them. They in turn said it was very cost effective to start to produce them because they weren’t as finely shaped as the fuel injectors and could be produced at on of the offshore factories. Although this benefits the company it also takes jobs away from America and moves them offshore. Overall Adam discovered how much job opportunities in factories have been declining over the last couple of years. Whether it be to new machinery coming in to do someone’s job or bringing the work offshore so Americans don’t have the opportunity to work. Something is going to have to change or at some point it will all be machinery running the factories.