Saturday, February 22, 2020

Classroom Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Classroom Management - Assignment Example If the teachers will allow too many disruptions, then it's very difficult to implement better discipline and classroom management techniques.(Beykont, 2002, pp-37) Different students have different sense and judgment of what's right and what's wrong. If a teacher wants to be respected then it's important for them to treat all the students fairly, and if the teachers fail to treat all students equitably then they will be labeled as unfair and no student will bother to follow their rules. (Barrow, 2004, pp-94) Teachers should also punish the best student of the class, if he or she does something wrong, this will win the hearts of all the other students of the classroom. Teachers must learn the techniques of dealing with disruption with little interruption as much as possible. Because if there is any kind of disruption in the classroom then teachers should imperatively and immediately deal with it taking care that the momentum of the classroom should not be interrupted. (Campbell-Rush, 2001, pp-117) During classroom discussion if a teacher observe that the students are taking to each other and not paying attention to what the teacher is teaching. Then teacher should use the technique of asking a sudden question from any student to help them to get back on track. If the teachers will stop the flow of their lesson in order to deal with classroom disruptions, then this clearly means that you are robbing those students who really want to learn their lessons during the precious in-class time. (Campbell-Rush, 2001, pp-138) Avoid Confrontations in Front of Students Most of the primary school teachers agree on a point that whenever there is confrontation in classroom is a loser and a winner. (Dean, 2003, pp-46) Teachers at all costs have to take care of maintaining discipline in their classroom. If teacher have disciplinary issues with any student then the teacher should deal with that student privately so that the will not lose face in front of other students and especially his or her friends. Those teachers who deal disciplinary issues in the classroom can cause some student to deviate from the path. (Dean, 2003, pp-54) Stop Disruptions with a Little Humor Primary school teachers should also learn the technique of stopping classroom disruption with the help of litter humor. It will allow the student to be more comfortable in the classroom. The use of humor technique will also create a friendly environment for learning. If something goes wrong in the classroom then the teachers should have a good laugh to help all the students to get back on track. Teacher should not confuse sarcasm with good humor. (Cangelosi, 2004, pp-63) The basic difference between a good humor and sarcasm is that humor can immediately disperse a situation, while sarcasm can actually harm the relationship between students and their teacher. Teachers must have a good judgment in this regard because what's funny for someone, others find it to be quite offensive. (Cangelosi, 2004, pp-77) Keep High Expectations in Your Class In order to maintain successful classroom management and discipline, teachers should h

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Equity Valuation in the Style of Warren Buffet Project Essay

Equity Valuation in the Style of Warren Buffet Project - Essay Example The strategy is proved to be effective over time and prevents investors from making costly and foolish investment losses. The investment strategy uses both quantitative and qualitative factors which finding a good stock. The company chosen for financial analysis is Apple Inc. (Ticker Symbol AAPL) which is a Fortune 500 company whose shares are publicly traded. Apple Inc. is a leading hardware and software company which has headquarters in Cupertino, California, U.S. The company has over 400 global retail stores spread in over 14 countries and it is listed in NASDAQ as a publicly traded company. The Four Filters Approach Filter 1 – Understanding of a company and its products The company sells its products globally through retail outlets, online stores and direct sales with the help of third party distribution networks. The company is best known for its innovative hardware products and next generation media including iPhone, iPad, iPod, Smart Phones, and so on. The companyâ€⠄¢s products and services also include MAC, iCloud, App stores, Apple TV, App Stores, MAC App Stores and iBookstores. Their software services include iOS operating system, OS X, iTunes, iWork and iLife production and creativity suites. The company’s customers are small and medium sized businesses, retail customers, enterprises, educational institutions, and government customers. Filter 2 – Competitive Advantage Apple Inc. is the second largest company in information technology sector in the world. In terms of revenues, only Samsung Electronics (leading Korean company and key competitor of Apple) exceeds the consolidated revenue of Apple. In the year 2008, Fortune magazine name the company as the most admired company in United States as well as globally. Filter 3 – Ability and Trustworthiness of Management The company delivers innovative products and services to customers that include software, hardware, peripheral, and applications. Apple is committed to providi ng best user experience by leveraging its ability of producing unique design. The company continuously invests in marketing, advertising, research and development in order to boost sales and produce innovative products and technologies. The company’s long term strategy includes expansion of distribution network for reaching more customers globally in developing countries and providing them with high quality sales and support experience. Filter 4 – Intrinsic Value Analysis Free-Cash Flows The free cash flows are used to measure the financial performance of the company and it is calculated by subtracting capital expenditures from operating revenues. The free cash-flow represents the company’s ability to generate money required for expanding asset base and hence they are important to identify opportunities that can enhance shareholders’ value. Cash is very important to invest in new products, make M&A, reduce debt and pay dividends. The FCF is calculated usi ng the following formula: In order to determine the